Where I Came From and What You Said


Where I Came From and What You Said


This wall panel is a study in pattern and color and so much more. The concept is rooted in my own collaboration with partner and the idea that we bring our own patterns/history to our point of view in life and when we are truly attentive to others we embody their ideas and they ours. They become part of us, we become part of them and the flow and balance is the truest beauty of life possible. As we observe the base pattern and the introduced pattern, they begin to balance till no foreground or background is clearly perceptible. Richer for the both. Diverse, resilient, forgiving, understanding. This wall panel is made from polymer clay veneers. The patterns are  created with a millefiori technique and composed and assembled with our own unique form of polymer marquetry. The veneer tryptic is mounted to a maple plywood  backing and can be hung vertically or horizontally on a French cleat attached to the back of the panels. 

 11” w x  30” h x 1” d

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